I want to share with you the swap box I received from Scrappingwen. I am amazed at her talent and attention to detail. I just love the box she prepared and created for me. It took a lot of time for her to put everything together. The dress form tags are so pretty, I love the pink tags she colored for me. Gwen is a very talented with Copic markers. The giant box with the french motif is awesome. I just love everything she gave me.
The swap days we were suppose to create items for were:
Alter a box or container and fill with goodies.
Day 1 Partridge in a Pear Tree - Anything fruity. 1 item
Day 2 Turtle Doves - Anything pertaining to love - 2 items
Day 3 Three French Hens - Anything Paris or French - 1 item
Day 4 Calling Birds - Something made with feathers - 4 items
Day 5 Golden Rings - Bought metal embellishments and hand made charms - 1 of each item
Day 6 Six Geese - Oval gift tags - 6
Day 7 Swans Swimming - items in blue or greens reminding you of the ocean - 2 items
Day 8 8 Maids a Milking - Pearl themed project - 1 item
Day 9 9 Ladies Dancing - Embellished Dress form made into a tag - 4 items
Day 10 Lords A Leaping Masculine card fronts - 4 items
Day 11 Pipers Piping - Trims, Ribbons - 2 items
Day 12 Drummers - Stick pins - 2 pairs 4 total stick pins